Below is an excerpt from the seventh chapter of The Hollow Earth, first published in 1969, by Dr. Raymond Bernard, which is said to be a pen name.
conception of a hollow earth presented in this book offers the most reasonable
theory of the origin of the flying saucers and is far more logical than the
belief in their interplanetary origin. For this reason, leading flying saucer
experts, as Ray Palmer, editor of "Flying Saucers" magazine, and Gray
Barker, a well known writer on flying saucers, have accepted the theory of their
subterranean origin as against the idea that they come from other planets.
The theory that
flying saucers came from the Earth's interior and not from other planets
originated in Brazil and only later was it taken up by American flying saucer
At first, the
author could not accept this strange, unorthodox theory concerning the origin
of the flying saucers, which seemed improbable and impossible, since it would
require the existence of a cavity of tremendous size inside the earth in which
they could fly, in view of their tremendous speed. In fact, this cavity would
have to be so large that it would make the earth a hollow sphere. At this time
the author had not come across the remarkable books of two American scientists,
William Reed and Marshall B. Gardner, proving, on basis of evidence from Arctic
explorers, that the earth is hollow with openings at the Poles, with a diameter
of 5,800 miles in its hollow interior, large enough for flying saucers to fly
Among the
professor's students at Sao Lourenco were Mr. Huguenin and Commander Paulo
Justino Strauss, officer of the Brazilian Navy and member of the Diretoria of
the Brazilian Theosophical Society. From him they learned about the Subterranean
World, and also the idea that flying saucers come from the Earth's interior. It
was for this reason that Mr. Huguenin dedicated his book to Prof. de Souza and
his wife, D. Helena Jefferson de Souza.
While Huguenin incorporated the idea of the subterranean origin of the flying saucers in a book, Commander Strauss presented it in a series of lectures which he held in Rio de Janeiro, in which he affirmed that the flying saucers are of terrestrial origin, but do not come from any known nation on the earth's surface. They originate, he believes, in the Subterranean World, the World of Agharta, whose capital city is known as Shamballa.
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In his
book, " They knew Too Much about Flying Saucers, " Barker
this book he mentions an Australian and a New Zealand
Fitch is another American writer who believes that flying
Fitch claims, as does
Palmer, that the "spacemen" who come to us in
UFO images by Michael Mott, whose link is below (Subterranean Myths and Mysteries).
In 1967, twelve-year-old, Paul Nelson (pseudonym) was visiting the island of
Catalina with his parents. Also along was Paul's best friend, Michael (pseudonym.)
The two boys decided to go inside their boat and read some new comic books.
Suddenly, however, they both experienced an episode of missing time. Their next
memory was of waking up the next morning. While Paul was unable to convince his
parents that anything unusual had happened, both Paul and his friend knew that
the event was strange. Two
weeks later, Paul was alone in his Reseda, California home when he had another
strange experience. He was alone in his room when the door began to rattle. He
jumped up and threw it open. To his shock, he saw the shadow of a small figure
running down the hallway. He chased after it, but found nothing. “ Paul didn't
know how to explain these experiences and didn't connect it to the UFO
phenomenon. However, afterwards he developed an interest in UFOs and began to
read up on the subject.
“ Many years later,
he grew up, married, became a doctor and had two children. Then he had a UFO
sighting of a distant object in the daytime sky. This renewed his interest in
UFOs. He began reading about the missing time aspect of UFO encounters when he
realized that he had experienced missing time. “ Intrigued, he eventually
underwent hypnosis to recover his lost memories. Having read about UFOs, he
expected to find that he had a frightening encounter, during which he would be
examined by grey-type ETs, aboard a UFO using highly technological equipment.
Instead, it was nothing like this.
“ As Paul underwent
the regression, his first surprise was that he was not aboard a UFO, but instead
appeared to be in an underground base. Says Paul, "I was taken to a
round-walled room. It seemed to me more underground than it did onboard a ship.
The walls had kind of rock-like facet to them. And I was on a table. Yeah,
rock-like walls rather than metallic craft-type walls. It gave the impression
that I was in a cavern [rather] than in a ship. It was more of an underground
feeling, that's true. That is a little anomalous."
Under hypnosis, Paul
recalled his friend Michael, nearby, also being examined. His next surprise was
that the beings were what he expected. Says Paul, ‘The beings weren't the
typical greys, they were more the 'Praying Mantis' type, as I later understood.
The eyes were slightly bigger than what is seen in the typical small grey, and a
little more insectoid-likeThey wore tight-fitting uniforms, I believe. There was
even a color to them, but I can't remember what the color wastight-fitting
jump-suit like things. I think there was one in that bunch that had a tunic-type
thing, more looser fitting over it. I couldn't tell how tall they were because
they were over me and I was on my back. So I couldn't give you the exact height.
They didn't look particularly tall though.’"
Some very direct and striking testimony can be found in the opening lines of our article Underground Abductions, Whereto?, the link to which may be found directly below
Written and compiled by Dean Dominic De Lucia
The Contradictory Architecture of Egypt