This is one of the images that Sir Arthur C. Clarke says makes him " 95%
convinced " that it represents " large forms of life " on Mars:
Find at:
He wrote to me via e-mail on March 9, 2001 and stated:
"I'm 95% convinced that there's no other conclusion...."
"I fully agree that this is close to incontrovertible evidence of large present
or past tree-like organisms on Mars. I do not believe that these will be
explained as ³geological features² or illusions. Only closer-in imaging will
decide the matter There is much more, as time will tell."
On February 25, in an interview with Buzz Aldrin video
taped by, Arthur C. Clarke said:
"I'm fairly convinced that we have discovered life on Mars. There are some
incredible photographs from [the Jet Propulsion Laboratory], which to me are
pretty convincing proof of the existence of large forms of life on Mars! Have a
look at them. I don't see any other interpretation."
Eugene F. Mallove, Sc.D.
Editor-in-Chief, Infinite Energy
Director, New Energy Research Laboratory
In this regard, click on Skipper's: Mars Anomaly Research
Donna Tietze, a former NASA employee at the Johnson Space Flight Center,
offered the following testimony in a radio interview with WOL radio in
Washington, D.C., on May 6, 1995.
" During the Apollo mission I worked at NASA throughout those Apollo
missions and I did leave NASA at the time the space shuttles began. I worked in
building eight in the photo lab. I had a secret clearance so I thought I could
go anywhere in the building. And I did go into one area that was a restricted
area. In this area they developed pictures taken from satelites and also all of
the missions, the Apollo missions, flight missions. I went in and I was talking
to one of the photographers and developers and he was putting together a mosaic
which is a lot of photos, smaller photos into a larger photo pattern. And while
I was in there I was trying to learn new methods and new things about the whole
organization and I was looking at the pictures and he directed my attention to
one area, he said, Look at that. I looked and there was a round oval shaped,
well it was very white circular shape of a dot and I, it was black & white
photography, so I asked him if that was a spot on the emulsion and he said, well
I can't tell you but spots on the emulsion do not leave round circles of shadows.
E.D.: So there was a shadow on the ground?