The darkest area on this image indicates the opening in the ozone layer. Ozone is formed in conjunction with ultraviolet rays from the Sun. Where there is little ozone, there is little ultraviolet light. Could the lack of ozone be due to the fact that the energies and radiations which emanate from the hollow world, through the Polar orifices, are of a lower frequency than ultraviolet, much lower? The existence of the visible auroras indicate that the energies spurting out through the polar orifices is lower than ultraviolet, because, of course, the frequency of visible light is below ultraviolet. Wouldn't this spurting of lower frequency particles (light) have the tendency to brush aside ultraviolet radiations? This means that the hole in the ozone layer is indicative of the location of the orifice to the hollow earth.
The complete ozone hole is broad, encompassing the entire continent of Antartica. But it is the gradation of density which is telling; the dark blue area in the center of the image is indicative of the opening's location because the dark area shows the area of least ozone density.
Pages of
Polar Warming Curvature Anomalies Ring Around the Opening
Circular, Compacted as if Linear Mammoth Chapter Four from Gardner
Radarsat ZR-1 Greenland Vikings Pravda Article
Frobisher Map Broken Auroral Ring
Icebergs from the Inner Earth Location of Polar Orifice
Upwards Aurora Aurora Australis Marks The Spot